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Dr Kate White

Dr Kate White is Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Education at Federation University and Co-Director of the WHEM Network. Her research focuses on women and leadership in higher education, women’s academic careers, and science research careers focussing particularly on generational issues.

She is co-editor of Gendered Success in Higher Education: Global Perspectives (2017); Generation and Gender in Academia (2013), and Gender, Power and Management: A cross Cultural Analaysis of Women in Higher Education (2011). She is also the author of Keeping Women in Science (2015). She has published four single authored books, eight co-authored books, five reports and over 50 academic refereed journal articles. She has co-edited Special Issues for the International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology (2018) and Social Sciences (2019).

She has been a visiting researcher at the University of Limerick; Linkoping University; the Department of Education, Culture and Media, Uppsala University (funded by the Swedish Research Council); and the Center for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES), University of Porto, funded by the Center. She is a referee for numerous international peer reviewed journals.

Kate can be contacted at:

Recent publications

Neale, J. and White, K. (forthcoming). Gender Equality in higher education in New Zealand and Australia, Sage Encylopedia of Higher Education.

White, K. and Burkinshaw, P. (2019). Editorial, Special Issue of Social Sciences on Women and Leadership in Higher Education.

Burkinshaw, P. and White, K. (forthcoming). Networking and gender equality in academic leadership, in Antoniou, A.; Cooper, G. And Gatrell, C. (eds.), Women, Business, and Leadership: gender and organisations, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK, pp. 159-174.

Pyke, J. and White, K. (2018). Gender quotas and targets would speed up progress on gender equality in academia, The Conversation, 29th August (This was The Conversation’s third most popular article for September 2018 with 1327 reads).

Sagebiel, F. and White, K. (2018). Guest Editorial, Gender and Masculinities in Careers and Leadership in Higher Education, Special Issue of International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 10, 1, 1-6.

White, K. (2018). Are new career models for science research emerging? , in Special Issue of International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 10, 1, 72-87.

White, K. (2017). ‘Introduction: The Focus on Success Stories’. In K. White, and P. O’Connor (eds.) (2017), Gendered Success in Higher Education: global perspectives, Palgrave: Basingstoke.

White, K. (2017). ‘Women Vice-Chancellors as Change Agents? An Australian Case Study’. In K. White and P. O’Connor (eds.) (2017), Gendered Success in Higher Education: global perspectives, Palgrave: Basingstoke.

Burkinshaw, P. and White, K. (2017). ‘Fixing the Women or Fixing Universities’, Administrative Sciences, 7, 30, pp. 1-14.

White, K. (2016). ‘Supporting Women in Higher Education Leadership’, University World News, Issue No 421, 8th July

White, K. and Machado-Taylor, M. (2016). ‘Gender and atypical academic careers’, Aequo – Journal of the Portuguese Women’s Studies Association (June).

Neale, J. and White, K. (2016). ‘Opportunities, constraints and challenges for senior women’, Aequo – Journal of the Portuguese Women’s Studies Association (June).

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