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Professor Tanuja Agarwala

Tanuja Agarwala is Professor in the Management Faculty at University of Delhi, to the WHEM Network.

Tanuja’s research focuses on gender, work-life integration, career management, performance and reward management, gender, HRM in organizational transformations, cross-cultural issues, and corporate social and environmental responsibility.

She is a member of the Editorial Board of Gender in Management Journal and recently edited a Special Issue on the theme of ‘women in academia’. She is also a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and is currently working on a research study of the academic work environment.

Recent publications

These include:

Agarwala, T., A. Arizkuren-Eleta, E. Del Castillo, M. Muniz-Ferrer (forthcoming). Work-family culture and organizational commitment: A multidimensional cross-national study. Personnel Review.

Agarwala, T. (2018). Bullying and Career Consequences in the Academy: Experiences of Women Faculty. In A. M. Broadbridge and S.L. Fielden (Eds.)Handbook of the Diversity and Careers, pp. 241-255, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.

Agarwala, T. (2017). Who Promotes a Gender Agenda? An IndianCase Study. In K. White K and P. O’Connor (Eds.) Gendered Success in Higher Education, pp.233-252.Palgrave Macmillan, London Basingstoke.

Dr Sarah Barnard (use existing text)

Professor Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich is the current Head of School of Social and Cultural Studies at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. She is a cultural anthropologist with a special interest in the anthropology of higher education, academic mobility, narrative research and ethnographic methodology. Since moving to New Zealand, she has also developed a strong interest in colonisation and the politics of reconciliation.

She is currently working on a book on academic mobility and has published several articles on that topic. Her work as Head of School and her own mobility experience have influenced her research and writing and continues to be a strong part of her interest in autoethnographic methodologies and narrative analysis. She is co-editor of FABULA, a journal specialising in folk narrative research. Her recent books are on biculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand and on migration and the politics of place. She trained and received her academic degrees in Germany, and has taught in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and New Zealand.

Recent publications

Bönisch-Brednich B. (2018). ‘Getting by in English’?: Scholarly mobility, language decisions and cognitive capital, pp. 251-264. In B. Pöttler, K. Eisch-Angus, & J. Verhovsek (Eds.), (pp. 251-264). Fundstücke europäisch-ethnologischen Forschens: Eine Festschrift für Helmut Eberhart, Münster: Waxmann.

Bönisch-Brednich B. (2018).Reflecting on the mobile academic. Autoethnographic writing in the knowledge economy. LATISS: Learning and Teaching.The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences, 11(2), 69-91. doi:10.3167/latiss.2018.110205

Bönisch-Brednich B. (2018). Writing the Ethnographic Story. Constructing Narratives out of Narratives.Fabula: Special Issue: Narrative Analysis, vol. 59:1/2


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