Rana Nawas is a corporate veteran turned speaker, writer, and podcaster on a mission to help women win. She does this through keynotes, advisory, workshops, and her podcast, When Women Win, a show where female role models from all walks of life share their inspirational stories and practical tools for personal and professional success. Rana is also the chapter President of Ellevate, a global organization that brings professional women together.By the end of its first season, When Women Win was the #1 most listened-to podcast on iTunes Middle East. Currently in Season 2, it is downloaded in 144 countries. Emirates Airlines has started to air When Women Win on all flights, through its ICE in-flight entertainment system. Rana left the corporate world after 17 years, a career spanning McKinsey & Company’s London Office, the Dubai Government, and GE Capital in a variety of strategy and sales roles. While at GE, she headed the Women’s Network for the Middle East, Africa & Turkey and led the charge in rewriting policies, championing pay parity, and helping women rise in their professional and personal lives.She has spoken at numerous corporations and conferences on topics ranging from gender parity to owning your narrative. These audiences have labelled Rana “thought-provoking”, “fact-driven” and “inspiring”.
When women win podcast: https://whenwomenwinpodcast.com/
Source: https://www.rananawas.com/